أخبار المنتجات وتتفاعل البحث هنا. كما اتبع التحديث لدينا بالفيس بوك, Linkedin, يوتيوب, تويتر. رفيدهي هو المصدر الخاص بك لفي الوقت المناسب, هدف "تتفاعل المنتج الأخبار" والمعلومات.
Precision crisis: How a 0.1mm error destroys tens of millions of orders In 2024, an international sports brand failed to read 230,000 smart garments due to a 0.1mm deviation in the line width of the RFID tag antenna. Displayed under the microscope: The jagged edge of flexographic printing increases impedance by 47% The antenna break…
تفاصيلThe pain of cold chain disruption worth $35 billion per year According to the World Bank’s 2024 Global Cold Chain Report, 32% of vaccines and 19% of fresh food are scrapped due to temperature control failure, with annual losses reaching $35 مليار. في 2023, a batch of COVID-19 vaccines failed due to label data drift,…
تفاصيلIndustry upheaval: Three major driving forces for the reconstruction of RFID tag selection standards in 2024 في آذار/مارس 2024, the 27th amendment to the EU REACH Regulation officially limited the content of bisphenol A in RFID tag adhesives to less than 0.1%. وفي الوقت نفسه, the density of RFID reading nodes in Amazon logistics…
تفاصيلوتتفاعل (تعريف تردد الراديو) technology is a contactless automatic identification technology that uses radio signals to identify targets at a distance and obtain relevant data without establishing mechanical or optical contact. The application of this technology in the field of oil exploration has gradually shown its unique advantages. In oil exploration, RFID technology is mainly…
تفاصيلتطبيق RFID (تعريف تردد الراديو) technology in laundry is a modern solution that makes laundry services faster and more accurate by improving the efficiency of the laundry process and reducing manual errors. The following is a detailed analysis of the application of RFID technology in laundry: Label implantation: In the laundry, علامات RFID…
تفاصيليمكن لحل إدارة RFID للمعدات التي تدخل موقع البناء أن يحسن بشكل كبير من كفاءة ودقة إدارة المعدات. The following is a detailed RFID management solution:1. System architecture1.1 RFID tagEach equipment is equipped with an RFID tag, which contains the unique identification and related information of the equipment (such as equipment name, نموذج,…
تفاصيليعد نظام اختيار العلامات الإلكترونية تقنية مهمة في الخدمات اللوجستية الذكية. It is mainly used in the picking process of warehousing logistics and can significantly improve logistics efficiency and accuracy. The system usually includes several key parts such as electronic tags, reading equipment, control systems and picking equipment. An electronic label is a label with…