نظام اختيار الملصقات الإلكترونية

يعد نظام اختيار العلامات الإلكترونية تقنية مهمة في الخدمات اللوجستية الذكية. It is mainly used in the picking process of warehousing logistics and can significantly improve logistics efficiency and accuracy. The system usually includes several key parts such as electronic tags, reading equipment, control systems and picking equipment. An electronic label is a label with

الصناعة البيولوجية في الصين تعطي الأسماك “بطاقات الهوية”

China’s biological industry usually refers to the use of modern scientific and technological means to identify and track fish in order to better manage fishery resources and protect the ecological environment. Here are some of the main methods and technologies: DNA barcode: Species identification using the DNA sequence of fish. Each fish has a unique

علامة العبث RFID

وتتفاعل (تعريف تردد الراديو) العلامات المقاومة للعبث هي علامات مصممة خصيصا لمنع أو الإخطار عند اكتشاف محاولة العبث. These tags usually contain an RFID chip and an antenna that emits a signal when the tag is removed from the object it is attached to or damaged. This technology is widely used in asset

علامات RFID مساعدة “التجزئة الجديدة”

The application of RFID tags in the new retail field is very extensive and in-depth. أولاً وقبل كل شيء, the application of RFID technology in new retail is mainly concentrated in supply chain management, إدارة المخزون, in-store product management, customer relationship management and security management. على سبيل المثال, by attaching RFID electronic tags to goods, it is

تتبع موظفي موقع البناء RFID

On construction sites, RFID technology can be used to track and manage site personnel to improve safety and efficiency. Here are some applications and advantages of RFID in tracking construction site personnel: ApplicationsReal-time positioning: By installing RFID readers at the site entrance, important areas, والمعدات, the location of workers can be tracked in real

حل تنفيذ التجارة الإلكترونية بتقنية RFID

وتتفاعل (تعريف تردد الراديو) technology plays an important role in e-commerce fulfillment solutions. It uses radio waves to identify specific targets and read related data without establishing direct mechanical or optical contact. RFID technology is widely used in e-commerce fulfillment processes due to its automation, high efficiency and accuracy to improve logistics speed, reduce errors

كيف تحقق التخزين الذكي RFID الدخول والخروج غير المراقب?

RFID tag and reader deployment: RFID tag selection: Select RFID tags suitable for the storage environment, considering their reading distance, durability and data storage capacity. RFID reader installation: Install RFID readers at key locations such as the warehouse entrance, exit and shelves to ensure coverage of the entire logistics path and storage area. Warehouse entry