President Trump You Need This: RFID Voting System

Today, president Trump once again filed a lawsuit against the authenticity of the mailed ballots in the US general election. In fact, the use of RFID technology can completely guarantee the authenticity, safety and reliability of votes. In the mean while many state took actions already. For example: Alameda County developed a Radio Frequency Identification…

Which Textile Assets Suit for Identify and Trace with RFID Textile Tag?

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has proved to be a savior for the rapidly changing fashion industry by streamlining their operations and improving the efficiency. These tags have multiple applications in the fashion and textile industry. They are used in manufacturing, inventory control, warehousing, distribution, logistics, automatic object tracking and supply chain management. Advantages of…

Why RFID PPE Tags can help Enhance Safety?

RFID PPE Tag is a simple idea to reduce the Hazards in mining. In the mining and construction industries, health and safety regulations must be adhered to at all times. There are strict requirements for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when entering certain areas of a mine or site, and if these requirements are not followed,…

What Type of Customers need RFID Tags

What Type of Customers need RFID Tags?

What are RFID tags? Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology uses radio waves to digitally capture data with minimal manual intervention. RFID tagging system is similar to barcoding with additional advantages over it.   How does RFID industrial tags function? RFID technology uses radio waves to automatically identify objects, collect data about them, and enter those…