ACR122U NFC Reader

ACR122U NFC Reader HomeProductsAccess & SecurityRFID Reader HF The ACR122U NFC Reader is a PC-linked contactless smart card reader/writer developed based on 13.56 MHz Contactless (RFID) Technology. Compliant with the ISO/IEC18092 standard for Near Field Communication (NFC), it supports not only MIFARE® and ISO 14443 A and B cards, but also all four types of…

How RFID helps for manufacturers and retailers?

When it comes to use RFID, the first thing that pups in peoples mind are usually Supply-chain or Logistical applications. But did you know by valuate EPC data, it can also solve other business challenges that appears on manufactories and retails that we face today? Bobs are responsible for his company RFID issues that including…

HY-R530 RFID Reader

HY-R530 RFID Reader HomeProductsAccess & SecurityRFID Reader HY-530 RFID Reader HY-R530 Contactless reader-writer can read ISO14443A, B and ISO15693 standard cards. It realizes connection with the PC machine and associated equipment through RS232 serial interface or USB port or TCP/IP interface. Drive development kids of various platforms are provided together with the machine; attached demonstration…

HY-R20 RFID Reader

HY-R20 RFID Reader HomeProductsAccess & SecurityHY-R20 RFID Reader HY-R20 is a high performance RFID smart card Desktop reader without driver, reader distance up to 80mm, it’s not only simple aspect, but also stable and reliable data. Widely used for RFID Radio Frequency Identification system and project, such as automated parking management system, personal identification, access…