Modern applications often call for multiple chips of different frequency to be contained within a single card. The manufacturing challenge is to laminate the chips and antennas in such a way that RF signals will not interfere with one another while still maintaining minimal chip and antenna blemish. RFIDHY excels in engineering bespoke solutions for any conceivable combination of two or three chips in a single card. Common hybrid card combinations that RFIDHY supplies include:
Low Frequency + High FrequencyC: LF + HF cards are the most common dual-frequency cards and usually have an HF antenna laminated around the outside of the card with a thick coil LF antenna contained within. Legacy LF systems like HID prox are often replaced by higher security HF implementations that still require usage of the original LF chip while all sites convert to the newer HF standard.
Common HF + LF dual frequency cards offered by RFIDHY include:
Mifare + EM4200
Mifare + TK4100
Desfire + EM4200
Desfire + TK4100
Mifare + T5577
Desfire + T5577
Mifare + Hitag
Desfire + Hitag
High Frequency + Ultra High Frequency: HF + UHF cards are becoming increasingly popular in loyalty and payment schemes that also want to track attendance and location of a customer. These hybrid cards generally have the UHF chip placed separately above or to the side of the HF chip to ensure there is no interference.
Common HF + UHF dual frequency cards offered by RFIDHY include:
Mifare + Alien Higgs 3
Desfire + Alien Higgs 3
Mifare + Monza 4D
Desfire + Monza 4D
Mifare + Monza 4QT
Desfire + Monza 4QT
Mifare + Ucode 7
Desfire + Ucode 7
Low Frequency + Ultra High Frequency: LF + UHF cards are used in specialized situations where simple access control is required alongside personnel tracking. Like HF + UHF hybrid cards, LF + UHF is generally accomplished with the LF antenna running above or beside the UHF antenna.
Common LF + UHF dual frequency cards offered by RFIDHY include:
EM4200 + Alien Higgs 3
TK4100 + Alien Higgs 3
EM4200 + Monza 4QT
TK4100 + Monza 4QT
T5577 + Alien Higgs 3
T5577 + Monza 4QT