Etiquetas antimetal flexibles para mejorar la logística. El seguimiento de la ubicación y el estado de las mercancías es crucial en la gestión logística moderna. Las etiquetas de código de barras tradicionales ya se utilizan ampliamente, Pero solo se pueden leer con intervención humana y no funcionan en superficies metálicas.. Con el desarrollo de la tecnología RFID, flexible anti-metal tags are becoming a new trend in logistics management.

Etiquetas antimetal flexibles 1
RFID (Identificación por radiofrecuencia, Identificación por radio frecuencia) technology can identify and track items through wireless transmission. RFID tags can be read without line of sight and work on metal surfaces. Compared with traditional barcodes, RFID tags have faster reading speed, higher reliability, and can read more information, including temperature, humedad, pressure and other data.

Etiquetas antimetal flexibles 2
Flexible anti-metal tags are a new application of RFID technology. They feature a flexible material that can be easily attached to any shape of metal surface without affecting the tag’s readability. These tags can be used to manage everything from machine parts to shipping containers, and can be tracked and managed at critical points.
The application of this technology is not limited to logistics management. Flexible metal-resistant tags can also be used in industrial manufacturing to track the status and location of items during the manufacturing process, enabling logistics optimization and quality control. Además, they can also be used in the retail industry, allowing retailers to more quickly understand inventory information and sales trends.
En resumen, the emergence of RFID flexible anti-metal tags has become an important innovation in logistics management and production processes. They can improve transportation reliability and production efficiency, making enterprises more refined and intelligent. With the continuous development of technology and the promotion of applications, RFID flexible anti-metal tags will be more widely used in various industries.