Les étiquettes flexibles RFID améliorent la production automatisée. Dans la production industrielle moderne, avec le développement continu de la technologie de l’Internet des objets, Les étiquettes anti-métal flexibles RFID sont progressivement devenues un outil clé pour améliorer le niveau d’automatisation de la production. Ce type de balise a une structure simple, longue distance de lecture et grande capacité de stockage, and can be applied in various complex environments, such as metal surfaces, and has the characteristics of waterproof, étanche à la poussière, et la résistance à hautes températures. The following will introduce the basic principles, application fields and advantages of RFID flexible anti-metal tags.

RFID Flexible Tags Anti Metal améliore la production d’automatisation 1
RFID flexible anti-metal tag is a product that uses radio frequency identification technology for identification and tracking. It includes a chip and an antenna that can store a large amount of information, such as serial numbers, production batches, product specifications, etc., which can be read and identified through radio frequency signals. En outre, RFID flexible anti-metal tags can withstand use in various environments and will not be affected by temperature, humidity and dust. C’est pourquoi, RFID flexible anti-metal tags have become an important part of modern industrial production.

RFID Flexible Tags Anti Metal améliore la production d’automatisation 2
RFID flexible anti-metal tags are widely used in logistics, de fabrication, warehousing and other fields. Par exemple, in the field of logistics, RFID flexible anti-metal tags can track the transportation trajectory of goods, and can monitor the goods throughout the process, reducing manual operations and improving logistics efficiency. In the field of manufacturing, RFID flexible anti-metal tags can realize tracking and management of parts, thereby improving production efficiency and product quality. In the field of warehousing, RFID flexible anti-metal tags can realize real-time management of items, thereby avoiding errors caused by manual data recording and improving the efficiency of warehousing management.
The application of RFID flexible anti-metal tags brings many advantages. Tout d'abord, it can realize fully automated production and management, thereby reducing the possibility of manual intervention and reducing costs. Deuxièmement, it has high efficiency and accuracy, which can greatly improve production efficiency and product quality. Enfin, RFID flexible anti-metal tags are also highly stable and reliable, and can be applied in various complex environments, such as high temperature, humidité, Poussière, etc..