The RFID UHF metal tag ip68 system utilizes the principle of radar reflection. The reader sends a microwave inquiry signal to the electronic tag through the antenna. The RFID UHF metal tag ip68 is activated by the microwave energy of the reader, ואחרי שקיבלתי את אות המיקרוגל, it responds and sends an echo signal with the tag data information. . The basic feature of radio frequency identification technology is to use radio technology to identify stationary or moving objects, to determine the identity of the object to be identified, וכלה בחילוץ מידע תכונות (או מידע זיהוי) של האובייקט שיש לזהותו.

The feature information of the object to be identified collected by the radio frequency identification system is usually processed by the intermediate software, or the collected identification information is directly passed through computer information processing technology (כגון טכנולוגיית מסד נתונים) and computer network technology (אינטרא-נט & אינטרנט) טכנולוגיה) to achieve information integration, שיתוף, שידור למרחקים ארוכים, ועוד. directly to the relevant business application systems (כמו למשל: ניהול כוח אדם, access control systems, סחורות / מעקב אחר נכסים, אחסון / ניהול לוגיסטיקה, וכו '.). RFIDHY מתמקד במודולים RFIDHY UHF RFID, UHF RFID readers and supporting RFID antennas, תגי RFID, and can be implemented with system integrators to complete RFID projects. Our products have been reflected in the perfect performance of RFID jewelry management, ניהול שרשרת האספקה של ביגוד RFID, RFID book archive management and other projects.
מבוסס על UHF RFID, the material information is written into the RFID UHF metal tag ip68, and then the electronic tag is recognized by the reader, and the information of the material in and out of the library is accurately and reliably collected in real time; at the same time, כל התקן אחסון מותקן. The electronic label is used to identify and facilitate the management and search of the storage location; להגשים את הקצאת האחסון האוטומטית של חומרים לתוך המחסן, and carry out intelligent monitoring and visual management of the material in and out of the warehouse, improve the operation and management efficiency of the warehouse; ולבצע במהירות ובדייקנות את טכנולוגיית RFID. Warehouse inventory work.
The warehousing management system based on RFID technology will change the previous management mode, and collect real-time data collection of enterprise materials from production warehousing, מלאי במלאי ותהליכים מחוץ למלאי, and comprehensive digital warehousing management system for efficient management of warehouses, ולשפר מחסנים. Management and information management level.
3. תכנון מערכת
3.1 רעיונות לעיצוב
Products or other goods that are off-line of the production line are installed with matching RFID cargo labels and cargo labels to record the goods according to the characteristics of the items before storage. After the goods label is installed, הוא ימוקם על פי הכללים וממתין לאחסון;
The RFID channel type reading device is installed at the storage port, and the batch label information of the goods is read and uploaded to the background management system when the storage is completed, and the bulk storage of the goods is completed;
After the goods enter the warehouse, הם ימוינו לפי המפרט, put into the storage area of the corresponding kind, and an identification card will be installed for each storage place, and each identification card will be labeled with an electronic label, שישמשו כתווית המיקום. And each identification card number is stored, the ID number in the location label is stored to identify the shelf number, and the ID number of the label is read by the staff holding the RFID handset, and the background system database can be called to obtain the storage information and information therein. כולל: מסוג, שם, ודל, יחידה, מחיר יחידה, תאריך ייצור, חיי מדף, ביצועים, ועוד. של הפריט;
During the transfer operation, הצוות מחזיק את המכשיר RFID כף יד, and the system sends the transfer instruction to the mobile data collector. The transfer personnel finds the specified location, takes the specified quantity of goods from the location, והובלת הטובין למחסן. The destination location, הטובין נשלחים למקום, the contents of the shelf label are modified, and the transfer operation information is sent back to the background system.
When the warehouse management operation is performed, the label number is read to determine whether the current job location is correct. בנוסף, as long as the ID number of a certain shelf is input, the related information of the ID can be retrieved from the background database, thereby realizing the material storage function.
The goods out of the warehouse and the warehousing are the same process. The same is the door to the warehousing. ניתן לעשות שימוש חוזר בהתקן הקריאה RFID. The RFID reading device scans all the cargo information of the library, and uploads the cargo information to the background system in real time. Outbound operation of the goods.
3.2 System framework
The RFID-based warehouse management system introduces RFID technology into the existing warehouse management, and automatically collects data for each operation link such as warehouse inbound, יוצאת, הסטה, and inventory counting to ensure data in all aspects of warehouse management. The speed and accuracy of the input ensure that the company can accurately grasp the real data of the inventory in a timely and accurate manner and reasonably maintain and control the enterprise inventory.
3.3 Operation process
3.3.1 Label Initialization
The link is to initialize the card for the goods label and the location label, encode the goods label and the location label according to the enterprise material coding rules, and use the RFID label printer to write the encoded information into the electronic label, ואם יש להדפיס את המידע, באותו זמן, data such as library coded text or bar code information can be printed on the label.
Once the label is encoded and written, follow the label installation instructions to install the label on the goods and locations.
3.3.2 Outbound and inbound
After the goods are loaded with the goods label, they will be put into the warehouse through the storage port. An RFID reading device is deployed at the storage port to read the cargo label.
The RFID reading device will read the label information on all the goods in the warehouse in batches, ולהעלות את פרטי התווית למערכת הרקע, and the background system will complete the storage operation of the goods corresponding to the label information.
After entering the warehouse, the RFID handset will be used to complete the binding of the cargo information and the storage position information. After the warehouse personnel put the goods on the cargo space, they read the cargo space label and the cargo label, השלים את הכריכה של שני, and upload the binding information to the background, וכל תהליך ההסבה הושלם.
The outbound warehouse is the reverse operation process. The goods are cleaned out from the cargo space and executed out of the warehouse. When the RFID reading device is accessed through the outlet, the label information of all the goods will be read and the information will be uploaded to the background. The management system, the background management system will perform the check of the information and the outbound order information, and the correct upgrade will be able to exit the warehouse normally and complete the outbound process of the goods.
3.3.3 Transfer library
When the delivery of a batch of goods is nearing completion, כאשר אין הרבה מלאי, or when the next batch of bulk goods storage notice is received, it is necessary to transfer the warehouse and free up the storage space for new goods. At this time, פעולת ההעברה מתבצעת באמצעות שפופרת ה- RFID.
The RFID handset step is to read the location label of the location of the goods that need to be transferred, ולאחר מכן העבר את הסחורה למיקום היעד, and then use the RFID handset to read the location label of the new location, and the background system automatically performs the new label. The location information is updated to complete the transfer operation.
3.3.4. מלאי
The warehouse inventory is a periodic warehouse acquisition and inventory work in accordance with the conventional requirements, so as to timely grasp the current status of the inventory goods. במהלך המלאי, the system downloads the inventory task to the RFID handset. The library administrator uses the handset to the task given warehouse and reads all the location tags in the warehouse to complete the inventory of the goods in the warehouse.
4. Equipment selection
The modern warehouse management system based on RFID technology will save labor to manually collect data costs, הפיכת פעולות ניהול מחסנים לאוטומטיות, improve work efficiency, and reduce management costs by optimizing and optimizing important processes such as inbound, יוצאת, ומלאי במחסן. טעות אנוש, שליטה רבה יותר, מכירות, בקרת אחסון, so that it can respond to production and sales needs more quickly, increase the core competitiveness of enterprises, ולשפר את ביצועי החברה.
4.1 קורא RFID
RFID readers are mainly deployed in the access port, which requires fast and accurate batch collection of incoming and outgoing cargo label information.
RFIDHY M6 הוא קורא UHF RFID בעל ארבעה ערוצים עם יכולת קריאה מהירה של 750 תגים/שניה. הוא יכול לחבר ארבע אנטנות בו, כיסוי מגוון רחב יותר, ובמהירות איסוף נתונים תוך הבטחת לא לקרוא דליפה. באותו זמן, ה-M6 RFIDHY יש יכולת נגד חסימה מעולה, יכולים להסתגל למגוון של סביבות תעשייתיות קשות, תומך בחיבור WIFI, וניתן לפרוס ביישומי מחסן ביתר קלות ובגמישות.