ניהול נכסים חכם 1
ככל שאוכלוסיית הקשישים העולמית גדלה באופן אקספוננציאלי, כולל הונג קונג. קשישים רבים חיים זמן רב יותר וסובלים ממחלות כרוניות. יצירת צורך עצום בשירותים קהילתיים. באותו זמן, מחסור בכוח אדם הוא בעיה מרכזית בענף השירותים הקהילתיים. כתוצאה מכך, the industry is under increasing pressure to keep up with the demand for its services. The project develops an IoT network and system infrastructure for community service centers. To support a much-need function for asset management efficiency.
The RFID smart asset management system consists of three main parts:

ניהול נכסים חכם 2
תדר גבוה במיוחד (UHF) RFID reader system. Multi-directional antenna platform and back-end inventory management system. The smart asset management is a mobile platform that can move freely in all directions. As well as an intelligent multi-directional antenna platform. That can scan multiple RFID tags in different directions through a seamless scanning mechanism. The developed platform is also capable of scanning and locating individual mark items for easy item finding. The mobile platform makes of light-weight yet strong material and has smooth and soft rubber wheels. A multi-directional scanning RFID antenna mounted on top of a raise platform so that it can scan large areas seamlessly. The RFID tag EPC will send to the back-end inventory management system for processing and inventory status updates. And a rechargeable batteries poweres the entire system .
These technologies help improve the operational efficiency and productivity of service centers in the areas of inventory and asset search.
מילת מפתח: RFIDHY אחסון תג NFC פתרונות RFID