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RFIDHY è la vostra fonte per tempestivo, obiettivo Industry News e informazioni su RFID (identificazione a radiofrequenza). Siamo la fonte online di RFID News, tendenze e la leadership di pensiero nel RFID.
Essere la risorsa definitiva per gli uomini d'affari che cercano di capire come RFID può aiutare la loro azienda a incrementare l'efficienza della supply chain, ridurre gli inventari, limitare il furto, migliorare la disponibilità dei prodotti e aggiungere comodità per i nostri clienti e partner.
RFID technology can be employed to help in the management of deliveries to customers. Gli articoli possono essere identificati individualmente applicando un chip di identificazione a radiofrequenza a ogni singolo articolo, o pallet contenenti articoli simili possono essere contrassegnati. I singoli articoli o pallet possono quindi essere tracciati e il movimento registrato automaticamente. The RFID equipment…
DettagliNXP Semiconductors has concluded a successful study of embedded passive RFID tags in the license plates of more than 100 veicoli militari. Lo studio, condotto per il passato 12 mesi in una base militare nei Paesi Bassi, confirmed the secure and reliable use of RFID for vehicle identification in various weather conditions and at speeds…
DettagliParking technology has finally caught up to our on-the-go culture: pay without paying attention. Researchers have built a device that does for parking lots what radio transponders do for highway tolls. You park, it keeps track. The near field communications (Nfc) sistema, consists of RFID Windshield Tag, parking lot transceivers that read tags, and a central…
DettagliRFID technology eliminates the myriad issues that come with manual container tracking. Indexing check-in/check-out by hand is error-prone – miss (o smarrito) una singola risorsa, and it’s likely gone forever – at great expense to the manufacturer. I sistemi di tracciamento basati su codici a barre sono solo leggermente migliori; l'elemento manuale (e il suo potenziale di errore) rimane ancora, resulting…
DettagliLong checkout lines at the grocery store are one of the biggest complaints about the shopping experience. Soon, these lines could disappear when the Code(Upc) bar code is replaced by smart labels, also called radio frequency identification (RFID) Tag. RFID tags are intelligent bar codes that can talk to a networked system to track every…
DettagliWireless radio frequency identification (RFID), automatic vehicle identification (Avi) technology enhances security, provides efficient vehicle entry and exit, improves customer service and safety, and automatically processes parking fees while controlling vehicle access into your facility. With an extensive suite of AVI products, Tag, and readers that are easily configured and adaptable with new and existing…
DettagliWhile it may be a while before NFC applications are mainstream among consumers, here we see a tremendous opportunity in enterprise and B2B applications. Enterprise NFC applications abound – whether it’s to help track grape harvesting or enable staff to quickly access equipment specifications on their mobile device.The enterprise market is particularly attractive since implementing…