Why The Future Of NFC Is In The Enterprise?

While it may be a while before NFC applications are mainstream among consumers, here we see a tremendous opportunity in enterprise and B2B applications. Enterprise NFC applications abound – whether it’s to help track grape harvesting or enable staff to quickly access equipment specifications on their mobile device.The enterprise market is particularly attractive since implementing


The Many Amazing Uses of RFID Technology

Radio-frequency identification – that’s RFID to you and me – isn’t something we see around us every day. But RFID tags are pretty much everywhere. They’re in our credit cards, our pets, and even in us. There are literally billions of RFID tags in use around the world. And if you believe some scaremongering reports,…

RFID Access Control

Sistema di controllo degli accessi basato su RFID presso Cochin Port

Il governo oggi ha detto che ha installato un controllo di accesso RFID a Cochin Port per regolare il movimento del carico e le persone. “KN Raghavan, Commissario per le dogane, Cochin, inaugurato l'RFID installato presso Ernakulam Wharf del porto di Cochin,” Ministero della spedizione ha detto in una dichiarazione. Il sistema di controllo degli accessi RFID si trova sulla piattaforma digitale per la regolazione del movimento…

RFID Asset Tracking

Moving Beyond RFID Asset Tracking To Asset Management

Tradizionalmente, a wide chasm between what enterprise asset management (EAM) systems and asset tracking systems do for manufacturers has limited their benefit. Manufacturers have been unable to connect their assets to customer-facing projects, resulting in costly blind spots in their business operations. At one end of the spectrum are EAM systems, like ERP and inventory


Why Use RFID Tag ?

RFID technology has the capability to both greatly enhance and protect the lives of consumers, and also revolutionize the way companies do business. As the most flexible auto-identification technology, RFID Tag can be used to track and monitor the physical world automatically and with accuracy. RFID can tell you what an object is, where it