Using rugged RFID tag in warehouse management can check and count assets, conti e carte in tempo reale, e stampare periodicamente i report, so as to improve the existing inventory management mode, migliorare il livello di gestione, ridurre l'intensità del lavoro, individuare e tenere traccia in anticipo delle risorse aziendali, and help enterprises realize assets and books. costantemente, una serie di avanzate, standardized and optimized management mechanism should be established for enterprises to help enterprises minimize operating costs and risks, thereby improving the utilization rate of enterprise resources, improving the efficiency of word length inventory and the rate of return on investment.

Rispetto alla tradizionale etichetta di scaffale, rugged RFID tag has the following five significant advantages1. Tags do not have to be seen in order to read data. This means that tracking products or people can happen from anywhere in a specified range which maximizes speed and efficiency.
2. I tag RFID robusti possono memorizzare fino a 100 volte i dati dei codici a barre, allowing you to keep track of all the data you need for your inventory such as lot and serial number, dimensioni, fabbricante, venditore, data di scadenza, utente, location on production line and anything else you might want to know.
3. I lettori possono leggere fino a 200 tags at once. This will increase speed and productivity since employees will not need to physically scan each rugged RFID tag.
4. La posizione di ogni robusto tag RFID è flessibile (as long as they are not blocked by metal or water) since the tag doesn’t need to be physically seen by the reader. Per esempio, you can place tags in boxes or within a pallet.
5. Rugged RFID tag is functional inside and outside the warehouse. The technology has the capacity to withstand harsh environments and temperatures, anche i tag!
RFIDHY’s latest rugged RFID tag not only resists high temperature and collision, ma raggiunge anche una straordinaria distanza di lettura di 9 Metri. It is an ideal choice for rugged RFID tag.
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