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RFIDHY had also established good and strategic partnership with many international leaders in Internet of Things (IOT) and RFID industry.
Today, RFIDHY, by far, the world’s leading source of RFID Products and R&D. Our mission is to help Our customers and partners use RFID and other Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to improve the way they do business.
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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology uses radio waves to digitally capture data with minimal manual intervention. RFID tagging system is similar to barcoding with additional advantages over it. How does RFID industrial tags function? RFID technology uses radio waves to automatically identify objects, collect data about them, and enter those data directly into computer systems…
DetailsWhy use RFID textile tags in clothing industry? The textile and clothing industries were the earlier ones to apply RFID technology to reduce the lead time between manufacturing and retailing. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has proved to be a savior for the rapidly changing fashion industry by streamlining their operations and improving the efficiency.…
DetailsFrom the earliest starting point of the humankind, People are having a tendency to become ill. So they created approaches to treat themselves and beat sicknesses. In similar way when people figured out how to keep cows and other homegrown creatures with them, in this kinship among people and creatures, people took in the way…
DetailsTagging is important for livestock to identify and monitor them. So, it is important to choose tags that solve the purpose without any complexities. There are many types of tags available in the market. You should research and analyze what kind of tags will best suit your requirement and budget and then make the purchase.…
DetailsThe considerable advancement in the technology has enabled a widespread application of electronic tags like passive integrated transponder (PIT tags) to study the animals in the wild. Apart from allowing the researchers to study everything about the wildlife creatures, it also allows protecting the animals that are facing extinction and need timely action for safety.…
DetailsAnimal Husbandries have always been prone to breaking out of animal epidemics. We have witnessed outbreak of Bird Flu, H1NI Swine Flu, Nipah, Ebola and now COVID-19. Many countries have taken serious actions to control further outbreak of an epidemic and have regulated the livestock management and animal husbandries. Various technologies are being used for…
DetailsThe implementation of RFID technology has made it possible to optimize the identification and traceability of flat linen and Workwear throughout the laundry process. This is made possible, firstly, by an RFID tag attached to a cloth and integrating information, and secondly, by an RFID reader that reads and transmits this data. This technology allows…