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RFIDHY is your source for timely, objective Industry News and information about RFID (radio frequency identification). We are the online source for RFID News, trends and thought leadership in the RFID.
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Electronic bracelets that allow Naperville Ribfest patrons to buy beer, food, carnival tickets and other items without cash have been approved by the Naperville Liquor Commission. The wristband devices, known as radio frequency identification or RFID bracelets, are linked to credit or debit cards and activated by a PIN number entered at the time a…
DetailsRadio Frequency IDentification (RFID) is pretty amazing. Although the location-tracking tags that integrate with inventory software have been around for decades, new applications continue to appear as the technology becomes more affordable. E-commerce growth and the Internet of Things (IoT) have only intensified the demand to digitize and track real-world objects. Among the unexpected and innovative past uses of RFID have been robbery-proof…
DetailsA new cashless payment system at Roots N Blues N BBQ festival caused problems for guests and vendors on Friday, but event staff say the system is encouraging shorter lines. The 2017 Roots N Blues N BBQ festival features an all-star lineup of music acts this year — but it also features a new ticketing…
DetailsUntuckit, the fast-growing brand whose signature shirts are made to be worn untucked, has made the leap to bricks-and-mortar with ease. Founded online in 2011, the start-up has grown from five stores at the end of 2016 to 25 locations at the beginning of 2018 — a number it hopes to double by year-end. According…
DetailsfidRadio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology which is used widely across many sectors. It has a multitude of applications that bring many benefits to businesses and their customers. In this post, we’re going to focus on how RFID is playing an important role in modernising the retail sector. We’ll explain what it is, how…
DetailsWith inventory counting getting to the scale with some of these larger companies. retail operations have found RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) reading/scanning to be a difficult task with increasing loss of revenue. So, some research is being done to see if drones can help in this space. MIT researchers have developed a system that enables small, safe,…
Details If you are a horse owner and have many of your horses on free roam land, you know that people do confuse one horse for another. Startup company Anitar is working on a kickstarter project to help those with this exact problem. They are creating a sleek, small sized handheld RFID reader. Karl Mar Larusson, Founder…