A indústria biológica da China geralmente se refere ao uso de meios científicos e tecnológicos modernos para identificar e rastrear peixes, a fim de gerenciar melhor os recursos pesqueiros e proteger o meio ambiente ecológico. Aqui estão alguns dos principais métodos e tecnologias:

Código de barras de DNA: Identificação de espécies utilizando a sequência de DNA de peixes. Each fish has a unique DNA barcode, which can be used to identify the species of fish through gene sequencing technology. This method is highly accurate and can distinguish between different species with similar appearances.
Etiquetas eletrônicas: Tiny electronic tags (such as RFID tags) are implanted in fish. These tags can store basic information about the fish, such as species, idade, Gênero, etc. This information can be read by scanning equipment, making it easier to track and manage.
Satellite tracking: For some large-scale migratory fish, satellite tracking devices can be installed inside or outside their bodies to monitor the movement paths and behavioral habits of fish in real time through satellite positioning technology.
Otolith analysis: Otoliths are calcified structures in the inner ears of fish that can record the growth history and habitat of fish. By analyzing the morphology and chemical composition of otoliths, information such as the age, life history and habitat of fish can be obtained.
Database management: The DNA barcodes, electronic tag data and other relevant information of fish are stored in a central database, which is convenient for scientists and fishery managers to query and analyze, and help formulate scientific fishery management policies.
The application of these technical means can help improve the efficiency of fishery management, protect fish resources, prevent illegal fishing, and ensure the sustainable development of fisheries.