Sistema de gerenciamento de empilhadeira RFID em ação: O segredo da redução dos custos operacionais do armazém 40% | RFIDHY

How inefficient forklift operations devour $1.8 million in profits each year? Em 2023, an internal audit of a North American third-party logistics giant found that: 27% of forklift collision damage was not recorded in time, with an annual maintenance cost of $180,000 Forklifts with an idle rate of up to 39% caused $620,000 in asset

RFID Tracking of Medical Consumables

Guia de conformidade para rastreamento RFID de consumíveis médicos: Lidando com os novos regulamentos obrigatórios da FDA UDI em 2025 | RFIDHY

FDA strikes hard: The compliance countdown behind the $2.5 million fine In March 2024, medical group BR received the largest annual fine from the FDA – $2.53 million for not implementing UDI (Unique Device Identification) on heart stent packaging. This marks the official start of the full implementation of UDI in 2025: From January 1,

2024 Confronto de tecnologia de impressão de etiquetas RFID de densidade ultra-alta: Corrida de precisão em nível de mícron | RFIDHY

Precision crisis: How a 0.1mm error destroys tens of millions of orders In 2024, an international sports brand failed to read 230,000 smart garments due to a 0.1mm deviation in the line width of the RFID tag antenna. Displayed under the microscope: The jagged edge of flexographic printing increases impedance by 47% The antenna break

RFID Shelves

Decodificando todo o processo de implantação da prateleira inteligente RFID: Decathlon 99.9% Precisão do inventário | RFIDHY

How DKN achieves zero-error inventory management? Em 2023, DKN Shanghai Pudong flagship store set an industry record through RFID smart shelf transformation: SKU accuracy soared from 78% Para 99.9% (Source: DKN 2023 Sustainability Report) Inventory labor costs decreased by 83%, Salvar **$420,000** per year Shelf out-of-stock warning response time shortened to 9 minutos (traditional methods

Medical RFID Sterilization Compatibility

2024 Guia de compatibilidade de esterilização RFID médica: 12 Dados empíricos dos hospitais | RFIDHY

Fatal accident: an ignored 0.3mm error In March 2023, a major medical accident occurred in a medical center: during a heart bypass surgery, the RFID tag on the titanium alloy surgical forceps fell off after more than 120 high-pressure steam sterilizations, causing the instrument to fall into the patient’s body. Subsequent investigations found that: O…

O Guia Oficial para Seleção de Etiquetas RFID em 2024: Análise aprofundada de 6 Parâmetros-chave

Turbulência na indústria: Três grandes forças motrizes para a reconstrução dos padrões de seleção de etiquetas RFID em 2024 Em março 2024, the 27th amendment to the EU REACH Regulation officially limited the content of bisphenol A in RFID tag adhesives to less than 0.1%. Ao mesmo tempo, the density of RFID reading nodes in Amazon logistics