RFID Disc Tag
Disc tags are transponders laminated between very thin foils.
The foils protect the transponders from dust, dirt and humidity.

    Product Description

    Disc tags are transponders laminated between very thin foils.
    The foils protect the transponders from dust, dirt and humidity.

    Design & Applications

    Disc tags are suitable for further assembling and labelling as they are easy to handle. Disc transponders are also available with adhesive foil on one side or with a central hole for easier tack.

    Protecting foils

    Protecting foils can be made from different materials like PET, PETG, PVC or PC. For instance, PET material is appropriate for most pharmaceutical, medical and food applications.

    Available chip technologies

    Manufacturer125 kHz13.56 MHz
    EM MicroelectronicEM4102, EM4200, EM4305, EM4450
    NXPHitag®1, 2, SMIFARE Ultralight®, MIFARE Ultralight® C, MIFARE Ultralight® EV1, MIFARE® Mini, MIFARE® Classic, MIFARE® Classic EV1, MIFARE® DESFire® EV1, MIFARE® DESFire® EV2, MIFARE Plus®
    I-Code®: SL1, SLI, SLI-S, SLI-L, SLIX
    NTAG213, NTAG216
    SmartMX, JCOP
    InfineonMIFARE®: SLE66R35
    AtmelATA5575M1, ATA5575M2, ATA5577, Q5
    Inside SecurePicopass 2K, 32K
    Legic®Prime: MIM256, MIM1024
    Advant: ATC1024, ATC2048, ATC4096
    Silicon CraftSIC7999

    Other ICs are available upon request.