RFID to be on Trial for Equine Identification

  If you are a horse owner and have many of your horses on free roam land, you know that people do confuse one horse for another. Startup company Anitar is working on a kickstarter project to help those with this exact problem. They are creating a sleek, small sized handheld RFID reader. Karl Mar Larusson, Founder…

rfid tracking tag

India Expands RFID Container Tracking System

India is expanding its radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology-enabled container tracking service to more terminal locations, aided by Japanese technological assistance that has proved to be a key driver of supply chain efficiency at Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT). RFID service provider DMICDC Logistics Data Services (DLDS) last week announced the launch of its operations at the southern ports…

rfid tag

NFL stuffing footballs with RFID Technology

RFID tags that will be used are similar to the technology used in logistics and manufacturing operations around the world to wirelessly track and communicate numerous data points throughout the supply chain. With the  2017 NFL season kicking off this week, one of the biggest changes in the league will be something fans won’t be able…

RFID Wristband


RFID has many benefits when used in access control. These include easy entry and payment solutions, fraud reduction, enhanced security, capacity control, cost control, and behavior analysis to name a few.RFID Insider recently published an article on access control and found that “RFID enabled wristbands not only guarantee authenticity, but they can also be used…

How does RFID benefit librarians?

How does RFID benefit librarians? RFID frees up staff time and allows them to interact more with library visitors, develop new services and benefit from faster, smarter transactions. Time and effort is saved through faster, easier issuing, returning and tagging of items. RFID provides improved security systems and flexibility in stock management and inventory control,…