So, what is NFC?

NFC is one of the most exciting, yet unheralded, developments of the modern digital age; you probably already use it many times a day and you just don’t realise it. But because it’s growing so fast it really is time to understand how it works and what it could do for you and your organisation.…

RFID Wristband

Do All RFID Wristbands Have to Look the Same?

Absolutely not! With a plethora of new space age materials and colour options, you’ll be spoilt for choice. So what’s on offer? Here’s some examples: RFID Tyvek Wristbands are made from spun polyethylene. They look and feel like paper, but are extremely durable and tamper-proof, ideal for a one or two day conference. RFID Vinyl…


All You Want To Know About NFC Technology

“This phone has NFC compatibility,” is a statement that you hear often these days. Lot of smartphones have adapted to the Near Field Communication protocol and applications for NFC have been growing by the day. Lets take a quick look at what NFC Technology is and its application in the smartphone industry. NFC is a…

RFID Laundry Tags

Using RFID Laundry Tags to Optimize Uniform Lifecycle

Any commercial laundry that has ever serviced a uniform supplier knows the difficulties involved in laundering and tracking each and every item in a large uniform order. For this reason, RFID Laundry Tags are being used for uniform servicing as well, enabling accurate, item-level inventory control while keeping manual labor costs contained. The ability to provide…