Kiliseler çeşitli uygulamalar için Huayuan Smart bileklikleri kullanın. Çoğu kilisenin çocuk bakanlığı veya çocuk bakımı vardır.. Bazı kiliseler bile okul öncesi veya K-12 sunuyoruz. RFID Bileklikler can be used to identify the children. Kişisel kimlik için her bileklik üzerine ad yazmak için kalıcı bir işaretçi kullanabilirsiniz.
Another way to identify children and their parents is to use our SecurMatch? or SecurBand? Plus wristbands that have a matching, numbered, tear-off stub. The child wears the numbered wristband and the parent retains the matching numbered stub. Daycare or nursery staff can then verify the numbers match. This same system can be used by having the daycare staff keep a log with the names of each child and their parent(s) and writing the wristband serial number in the log for additional record keeping and verification.
If your church is hosting a concert or special event, consider RFID wristbands to help provide crowd control and organization. If the event has an admission price, you can help identify paid guests or authorized personnel with wristbands.
RFID wristbands can also be used for Vacation Bible School, when your church has an influx of new children and you need to identify and match-up the child and their parents. This gives parents and staff peace of mind because you can use wristbands as part of you check-in and identification process.
Artı, RFID wristbands can be custom printed to promote a church campaign or to encourage the congregation to pray or memorize a Bible verse.
RFID Bileklikler hakkında daha fazla bilgi için, Lütfen ziyaret edin: