Kitaplıkları teknolojisinden yararlanmak için converttheir koleksiyon seçtiğinizde RFID kullanımı tartışmalı bir konu olabilir. Sezgileriyle küçük RFID gelecekte daha her yerde olacak şüphe,Ancak, bir kütüphane avantajları ve dezavantajları tartmak gerekir. Manyof the advantages of RFID revolve around the actual use in librariesand using the technology to free up librarians for duties that involvemore interaction with the patrons. Many of the disadvantages revolvearound the technology also, but include issues surrounding security andprivacy.
Reduction of staff duties
Use of RFID technology in a library can decrease the time neededfor circulation duties since more than one tag can be read at a time.Patron checkout stations can additionally free up staff from theseduties. The time necessary to complete an inventory of the librarycollection can be reduced since inventory can be accomplished with awand reader as the staff member walks through the stacks of thecollection. In addition to the inventory, this wand can also determineif items have been shelved in the correct order. Conveyor belts andsorting systems can reduce time that staff spend shelving returneditems because the items can be presorted. By reducing the staff dutiesin these areas, staff may be used more efficiently in other areasincluding increased face-to-face service and increased the number ofcommunity programs.
Reduction of staff injuries
Karen Schneider, director of Library’s Index to the Internet,states that the repetitive motion required by bar code scanners,including flipping an item and angling it correctly, cost librariesmillions of dollars a year in work place injuries. Some libraries,including the San Francisco Public Libraries, look to RFID as a way toreduce the repetitive stress injuries caused by sustained andrepetitive motion connected to circulation duties especially. Researchvaries as to the amount of workman’s compensation claims that areconnected to repetitive stress injuries caused by circulation duties,and to what level RFID technology will reduce these injuries andclaims.
Correctly operating readers and tags can have near 100%detection rates. Since the tags and sensors communicate with theIntegrated Library System (ILS) it is possible to know exactly whichitems are moving out of the library. The high reliability is especiallyimportant when RFID is used in theft detection.
Tag life and appearance
Vendors claim that the tag life can be at least 100,000 transactions orat least 10 yıl. These tags do not interfere with the appearance ofthe book, and can even be made to appear as a bookplate.
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