في حين أنه قد يكون بعض الوقت قبل تطبيقات NFC هي السائدة بين المستهلكين, هنا نرى فرصة هائلة في المشاريع والتطبيقات B2B. Enterprise NFC applications abound – whether it’s to help track grape harvesting or enable staff to quickly access equipment specifications on their mobile device.The enterprise market is particularly attractive since implementing an enterprise Near Field Communication solution elegantly solves the two main problems standing in the way of consumer-centric applications: the lack of NFC-enabled phones, and a lack of consumer education surrounding the use of the technology.
When working with enterprises, the former problem is solved through furnishing staff with compatible devices, and the latter is solved through employee training programs. And with more and more smartphones incorporating Near Field Communication, the concern about limited selection.
By placing unique Near Field Communication touchpoints in various locations within a patrolled facility, a security firm can monitor security guards in real-time, increasing their accountability and decreasing the time and money spent transcribing and archiving manually recorded security logs. By scanning a touchpoint with an authorized phone, a security guard can demonstrate diligence without needing to be constantly monitored. NFC shines in this application since QR codes cannot be serialized and are easily circumvented in a proof of presence application. وهو مثال مثالي للكيفية التي يمكن بها توحيد الاجهزه من قبل المؤسسة, ويمكن تدريب الموظفين علي كيفيه استخدام التكنولوجيا بشكل فعال.
حتى الصناعة الزراعية يمكن ان تستفيد من NFC. مزارع الكروم التي تستخدم العمال المؤقتة لحصاد يدويا العنب يمكن تتبع ليس فقط العائد, ولكن أيضا الذي حصد أكثر من جامعي. وعاده ما تستتبع حاله الاستخدام منتقي العنب يرتدي سوار NFC للتعرف عليه. بعد الحصول علي سله من العنب وزنها يتم فحص معصمه مع الهاتف NFC التالي ضمان ان يتم دفع جامعي العنب علي أساس المبلغ المقطوع بدلا من معدل الساعة الذي لا يشجع علي كفاءه الحصاد.
ولكن في حين اننا نري فرصه كبيره في الفضاء المؤسسة, it doesn’t mean that great consumer facing NFC implementations have not been done. Currently NFC is being positioned as a cooler QR code with its core benefit being a frictionless experience in comparison to the cumbersome experience of scanning a QR code.
But until the iPhone includes NFC, it seems that certain industries will shy away from the technology. Companies specializing in outdoor ad engagement, for example will continue to take a technology agnostic approach by placing NFC as an option alongside QR codes, Bluetooth marketing and even using free WiFi to generate ad impressions on mobile devices. Although I’m sure the number of engagements is increasing, the absolute scale of these numbers has rarely been made public. Since NFC marketing entails tangible costs, only those brands with an appetite for innovation or a desire to use the latest technology have taken the plunge and used NFC in outdoor campaigns.
The other big area of NFC discussion and buzz centers on contactless payments, a technology that will create immense value for mobile users. The benefits of not having to carry credit/debit, loyalty or transit access cards are clear. The concerns about security will subside and using your mobile phone to pay for goods and access public transit will become commonplace. Now the only question that remains is when? For many industry observers and firms, the adoption curve of contactless payments is in the hands of the big phone makers, financial institutions, mobile network operators (MNOs) and trusted service managers (TSMs).
Everyone knows what level of co-ordination is required to realize NFC’s potential, all that remains is to achieve this degree of co-operation. All we can do is wait patiently while these big players sort it all out.
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