In the lengthy surgical procedure, up to 200 instruments need to be accurately classified. In the past, nurses and surgical technicians relied on identifying the instruments by recording serial numbers or scanning pastes or laser-etched barcodes on the instruments. This means that every surgical item needs to be picked up and manually scanned, which is quite cumbersome and error prone. As a result, doctors have left surgical items (RSI) such as cotton swabs or scissors in the body of many surgical patients, causing unnecessary secondary surgery pain and even threatening the patient’s life.
In order to prevent 100% of surgical items from remaining in the patient’s body, through years of exploration and efforts, the medical community has finally found a product that saves money, time, and safety, and that is the RFID Cotton Swab for medical devices. In a word, the use of this RFID Cotton Swab is very simple and easy to understand. First of all, from surgical scissors to cotton swabs, all surgical instruments are permanently embedded with this miniature RFID Cotton Swab. During the operation, doctors can use the UHF RFID card machine to check all operations. The location of the item. Before the suture operation, the medical staff only needs to scan the patient with the RFID Cotton Swab card machine. If there is any medical item on the patient or in the body, the card machine will give an alarm and display the number and location of the leftover items. If the machine does not give an alarm, it indicates that there are no medical supplies left in the patient. As long as it takes a few seconds, the possibility of leaving surgical items in the patient is completely eliminated.
Medical devices embedded with medical RFID Cotton Swab are expected to become the new standard for the entire hospital community, with an estimated market of nearly $205 million in the United States alone by 2021. RFIDHY has partnered with dozens of surgical device manufacturers to provide their reliable RFID Cotton Swab for embedding medical devices they produce. These medical devices embedded in RFID Cotton Swab not only eliminate medical accidents in the remaining patients, but also greatly improve the efficiency of storage and management. All of these devices are tamper-proof, easy to track, can find locations, and can record attributes such as number of uses, date of manufacture, and reminder of premium time. As a result, the efficiency and cost of storage, search, logistics, and inventory are greatly improved.
RFIDHY is providing medical RFID Cotton Swab to more and more medical device suppliers, reducing the incidence of medical accidents worldwide, and reducing patient suffering and saving patients’ lives.