Un team di ricercatori della Disney Research and Carnegie Mellon University ha scoperto un modo per elaborare Tag RFID segnali con velocità sufficiente per renderli adatti per l'uso nei giochi, interfacce fisiche e altri oggetti interattivi.
The technique makes it possible to use RFID tags to sense movement or touch in near real-time. The low-cost tags could soon be incorporated into slider and rotary controls for games and toys, or for use in other applications that demand prompt response. In genere, RFID tags are most commonly used for asset tracking and inventory control in retail stores and warehouses.
“You can create interactive objects that are essentially disposable and perhaps even recyclable,” says Scott Hudson, professor in Carnegie Mellon’s Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII). He says that RFID tags could also be incorporated into durable objects, such as interactive pop-up books and toys, in which batteries or wires would be inconvenient or infeasible.
The CMU and Disney researchers presented their research this month at CHI 2016, the Association for Computing Machinery’s Conference on Human Factors in Computing.
The solution revolves around a framework called RapID that interprets the signals by weighing possibilities rather than always waiting on confirmation. Per esempio, a slider controller might work by moving an object that successively obscures the antennas of a series of RFID tags. If one obscured tag suddenly is uncovered, the system might reason that the next tag in line will be obscured. RapID reduced typical lag times from two seconds to less than 200 milliseconds, which is similar to other interactive systems.
The researchers demonstrated the capability of RapID by instrumenting a toy spaceship, whose movements would animate an on-screen spaceship; by developing a Tic-Tac-Toe application that uses a physical game board and pieces, and congratulates players when they win; and by building an audio control board that enables an interactive music-mixing experience, among other apps.
“By making it easy to add RFID-based sensing to objects, RapID consente la progettazione di nuovi, dispositivi interattivi personalizzati con un ciclo di sviluppo molto veloce,” says Alanson Sample, research scientist at Disney Research.
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Da: http://www.rfid24-7.com/