Introduction: We use RFID Card very commonly now, but do you know the details of this technology? The basis of RFID technology is to use electromagnetic energy, an energy exists in nature, to realize AIDC.
People’s understanding of electromagnetic energy:
Its history dates back to the discovery and use of natural magnet in B.C., China. People used magnets to make compass Chariot(The South Pointing Chariot). In modern times, more and more people dedicated their life in the study of electricity, magnetism, light, as well as basic mathematics research. Among them the American Benjamin Franklin was the most famous. In 1846, the British scientist Michael Faraday discovered that light waves and electromagnetic waves both belong to electromagnetic energy. In 1864, the Scottish scientist James Clerk Maxwell declared to the world his electromagnetic theory.
In 1887, the German scientists Heinrich Rudolf Hertz proved the electromagnetic theory of James Clerk Maxwell and demonstrated that electromagnetic waves could spread at the speed of light and could be reflected with the polarization characteristic of light. The experiment of Hertz was repeated by the Russian scientist Alexander Pope. In 1986, Guglielmo Marconi sent successfully the transatlantic telegram. It was the first time to use electromagnetic energy to serve humanity. In 1922, Radar appeared. As an effective weapon to identify enemy’s flying objects(aircraft), Radar played an important role in the Second World War. Everyone also knows that radar used by the Royal Air Force played a decisive role in the battle against the German Air Force. Therefore, radar technology got great development. Now, the radar technology continues to advance. People are developing high-performance radars for various applications. RFID inherits the concept of radar and this has led to the development of AIDC technology. In 1948, Harry Stockman published his “Communication by Means of Reflected Power” and this article is the basis of RFID technology.
In the 20th century, the research on Theory and Application of Radio Technology is one of the most important achievements in the development of science and technology. Following are the Development of RFID Technology:
- 1941-1950 The application of Radar led to the invention of RFID. In 1948 appeared the theory basis of RFID technology.
- 1951-1960 The early exploration of RFID technology, mainly in laboratory experiments.
- 1961-1970 The theory of RFID technology achieved great development and scientists began to do some application attempts.
- 1971-1980 Period of development for RFID. Various RFID tests were accelerated. Some of the earliest RFID applications emerged.
- 1981-1990 RFID technology and products enter the stage of commercial application.
- 1991-2000 The standardization of RFID technology has become increasingly important. RFID products are widely used in daily life, and RFID products have gradually become a part of people’s life.
Later we’ll talk about several important progress of RFID technology in modern history. Please look forward to our next article.