Swedish high end fashion brand Acne Studios has rolled out RFID technology at all of its 45 lojas. Como uma indicação para a maturidade da tecnologia, o varejista completou uma implantação completa do Nedap !Solução de nuvem D para todas as lojas em 12 países em apenas três meses.
Por meio de !D nuvem, Acne Studios aims to raise the in-store stock accuracy in its stores and enable omnichannel services. “Our main challenge is how to unify the online and in-store experience and service in order to gain and maintain the trust of our customers,” says Mattias Magnusson, CEO at Acne Studios. “The only way to master this is by having a nearly 100 percent stock accuracy. Por conseguinte, automating our stock taking with RFID was the logical next step.”
Acne took only 3 months from the first proof-of-concept to the completion of the rollout. During this period, the ERP integration, staff training and RFID labelling of the merchandise was completed. Acne is tagging 100 percent of its product line, and has opted to embed the RFID tag in the price tag because they already printed a price tag specific to each product in the store.
“Once we decided to move to RFID, we were looking for a cloud solution that fits our IT strategy,” said Magnusson. “We believe that in today’s cloud empowered world, it does not make sense to opt for an on-premises software solution. Cloud solutions like !D nuvem, but also for other fields like CRM or e-commerce, enable us to scale much faster with only a fraction of the internal work load and ongoing costs.”
O !D Cloud software suite is specifically developed for retail applications to raise the retailer’s stock accuracy and support store employees with processes like in-store replenishment. Detailed insights into the actual stock levels also make it possible to connect the stock of the physical stores with the retailer’s online platforms.
Para obter mais informações sobre produtos de RFID, entre em contato conosco: Sales@rfidhy.com
De: http://rfid24-7 /