If you are in the entertainment business you know that the biggest thing to strive for is visitor experience. If they have a great one, they will come again, but if they have a bad one…well, we all know what happens then. The point is, entertainment is big business and people choose to spend their hard earned money on it, so it had better be something they enjoy.
Whether they choose to go to the movies, the opera, a concert, a sporting event or want to rent an indoor or outdoor venue for their special event, they want that event to be spectacular in every aspect. If your company can do that for them, then they will be online writing positive reviews in no time and isn’t that what it’s all about; getting people to come back time and again?
With RFID the visitor experience is heightened because everything is run smoothly keeping problems to a minimum. Assets are monitored so that everyone with access to a computer can see what is where at any time, and operations are optimized giving a slick and professional look to your venue which is also another plus for the guests.
RFID can be used for the staff enabling a manager to track attendance and know who is where at any given time during the event, it is also used to review productivity and can be integrated with existing payrolls and other Human Resources processes to automate and streamline things that used to take many man hours to handle. It can also be used for access control. At a rental venue, all guest can be given access via a ticket, a key fob, a card or a wristband which keeps only those invited in, and those not invited out.
If the event is to have displays of some kind, RFID can also be used to track the guest’s experience at the displays, instantly allowing anyone with access to the computer an activity log based on who went to which display, who interacted with the display, etc. This allows for more personalization for the next time, if needed all to heighten the visitor’s experience at your rental venue.
In the world of entertainment there are a lot of people vying for the all-important dollars that guest bring in each and every day. If you make your venue the best around, you will attract not only new clients but keep your return clients happy too.
If you are integrator, please contact us directly; If you are looking for an entire solution, we can introduce you your local integrator to help you out.
From: http://gaorfid.com/