RFID-technology Based Indoor Value Storage Cabinet with Touchscreen Operated Built-in Computer
General Features

ВRFIDHY Safe System has been created to keepkeys, Устройств, instruments or documents Сейф, и управлять ими в контролируемых, authorized and online traceable way.
Если инструменты, документы, мобильные устройства, valuables are to be kept safe, then the storage boxes with separate doors mean a good solution.
RFIDHY Safe can be opened only with personalRFID proximity card (transponder) or/and with aPIN code, optionally withfingerprint.
More cabinets can be connected to a single data cable, monitored and managed with aRFIDHY Safe Management Software (a Windows application running on a PC), and it can be integrated into a building management system as well.
RFIDHY Safe Smart, Drawer and Box cabinets havetouchscreen operatedbuilt-in PC, which ensures independent operation, uninterrupted offline operation even in case of network outage.
Boxes иdrawer solutions can be used tostore valuables иmixture of items inside them.
You may choose fromstandard box dimensions иcustom made box sizes.
Different box sizes are variable иcan be combined within one cabinet.
Evenvarious locker sizes иkey positions can be used in the same cabinet.
Can be usedto store:
- Ноутбуки, Таблетки, phone (even with charger function/USB port inside)
- Store documents, car papers и т.д..
- jewels
- medicines
- Weapon, ammunition, Аксессуары, и Ñ‚.д..
Standard box/drawer dimensions
– 84x83x100 mm
– 106x83x240 mm
– 220x83x240 mm
– 220x68x310 mm
– 423x50x310 mm
And many other or custom made ones…