В последней статье, Мы получили некоторые базовые знания о технологии инновации от штрих кода для радиочастотной идентификации, который является неизбежным тенденция с самостоятельной разработки технологии RFID. В следующих двух статьях, Мы покажем вам самостоятельное развитие тенденция радио частоты & RFID решения приложений.
RFID, mainly divided into three categories:
- The characteristics of LF & HF systems include short reading distance and antenna’s poor reading direction and the High Frequency System has the characteristic of low communication speed. The two different frequency systems realize the energy transfer and data change according to the theory of inductive coupling based on a magnetic field, mainly utilized in the applications of short distance and low cost.
- The UHF & Microwave labels realize the data change by passive backscatter based on an electric field. The reading distance of these two frequencies is longer, which can reach up to several meters and can work well with the quickly moving items. The reading antenna and the labels’ antenna have great reading direction. Однако, the cost of its reader and tags is much higher.
Now the RFID applications mainly utilize the LF(125КГц), ВЧ(13.56МГц) и УВЧ(860~ 960 МГц). Среди них, RFID 125KHz and RFID13.56MHz developed much earlier, have more mature technology and lower cost because of the simple technology principal. There are already many applications of these two frequencies, including ID card, youth card, transportation card, и Ñ‚.д.… In contrary, the development of the RF front-end and antenna of the UHF frequency is much more difficult because of the increase of the frequency.
Comparison of Capacity of Different Frequency: